Under 20% of individuals affected at age 40--up to 60% of individuals affected by age 60
Diverticulitis Diet
Diverticulosis is a clinical condition in which multiple sac-like protrusions (diverticula) develop along the gastrointestinal tract. The majority of individuals with diverticulosis are asymptomatic. Diverticular disease occurs when there is symptomatic diverticulosis (e.g., diverticular bleeding); diverticulitis (e.g., acute or chronic inflammation that may or may not is complicated by abscess formation, fistula formation, bowel obstruction, or perforation); or associated segmental colitis
Is a high fiber diet is best for diverticulitis?
This is a mixed answer and for most cases, I would recommend a low to no fiber diet in the acute phase of diverticulitis. Fiber in general is not digested and increases the stool burden. It is also partially metabolized by gut bacteria to produce gas. High stool and gas bloat do not mix well with an acutely inflamed gut.
Low residual Diet (low fiber diet)
This has been used to help improve inflammatory bowel disease symptoms for a long time with success.
What Are Low-Residue Diet Foods?
Since fiber isn’t something that is necessarily bad, it can be difficult to know which foods are rich in fiber. There are certain foods that are higher in fiber than others, so it becomes important to make yourself aware of what foods to aim for on a low-residue diet.
Dairy: although you shouldn’t target dairy as a primary option for nutrients, it is okay in moderation. Although it does not have fiber in it, dairy can trigger other symptoms that do not help with digestion, since it is such as lactose intolerance;
Fats: when it comes to dieting, most people associate the term with reducing fats, but this is not always the case. Fats such as butter/margarine, oils, mayonnaise, ketchup, sour cream, soy sauce, salad dressings, and many other sauces/condiments are entirely okay with a low-residue diet;
Fruits: there are certain fruits you can eat, and others you should aim to avoid — the ones you can eat include bananas, cantaloupe, avocado, etc. You want to primarily avoid fruit with skins or seeds;
Grains: you should aim to look for refined or enriched grains like white bread and crackers (plain). Avoid foods with seeds like whole-grain bread, and quinoa;
Liquids: drinking liquids when decreasing or increasing fiber in your diet is important for a healthy transition. This is primarily in regards to water, but other types of liquids are not prohibited;
Meats: animal products do not generally have any fiber, so there are no meat restrictions. You should aim to stick to lean, tender meats if possible. Eggs are also a viable way to get your protein;
Sweets: similar to fats, one of the first things someone thinks of with the word diet is sugars and sweet, but with low-residue diets, it is all about amount and types. Some viable sweets include jello, pudding, fruit popsicles, hard candy, and dipped pretzels;
Vegetables: cooked vegetables are easier to digest than raw. Similar to fruits, you also want to avoid seeds or skin when possible — examples include asparagus, broccoli, beets, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, and lettuce;
What Can’t You Eat on a Low-Residue Diet?
There are foods you should aim to consume, and those you should avoid on a low-residue diet. It is important to note that a low-residue diet does not absolutely prohibit anything, but rather represents a reduction of certain items that complicate digestion — these foods include:
Fruits with seeds;
Dried fruits;
Vegetables with seeds;
Uncooked vegetables;
Deli meats;
Fruit juice.
Keep your wound dry for 24-48 hours depending on what your surgeon says. The dressing that is in place is a usually waterproof. After 2 days, remove the dressing. At this time you may get the incision wet in the shower. Do not submerge your incision in water for one week from the time of your surgery. Leave the dressings off after 48 hours
It is usually helpful to use an ice pack on the region of your surgery for the first 24 hours after surgery, or an ice pack 3-5 times per day for 30 minutes for the four days after surgery.
You will be given a prescription for pain medication and are encouraged to use this medication as directed. This will help minimize your post-operative pain and allow you to remain active.
Please notify my office of excessive redness, drainage, swelling or bruising at the site of your incision. It is not uncommon to have swelling of the scrotum or penis.
Please make an appointment to be seen in the office approximately 7-14 days from the time of your surgery to have your wound checked.
Do not hesitate to take an over-the-counter laxative for the first week after surgery. Acceptable agents are Dulcolax tablets, Milk of Magnesia and Metamucil. Many other over-the -counter agents are also safe and effective. Please use your own discretion. Constipation is common after an inguinal hernia repair, and also may be worsened by pain medications.
Driving vehicles: for the first few days after surgery we discourage driving except in emergencies. We give no specific time when driving may commence. We asked that you exercise common sense and make sure that you are safe time the wheel.
Sitting: for several days after surgery sitting may be uncomfortable. You may have to get up and move around and change positions periodically.
Stairs: no limitations
Lifting: for the first week lifting is limited to 10 pounds. This is gradually increased to 20 pounds at 14 days with unrestricted lifting after 30 days.
Return to work, school, and housework: generally resume limited activities in about seven days. Full duties may be resumed after 14 days.
Walking: generally you can resume walking as much as you feel comfortable walking starting the day after surgery. There is no specific limitation.
Impact sports: Generally start activities such as jogging or aerobics no sooner than two weeks. Without discussing specific activities if you feel like doing it give it a try however remember to listen to your body. If it hurts stop doing it and try it again a few days later.
Sex: began cautiously, no sooner than seven days after surgery. If it hurts then stop
Support: men will usually be more comfortable after groin hernia surgery wearing support underwear such as jockey shorts to support the testicle which may be temporarily sore and swollen.
Dressing changes: remove the dressing at about 48 hours after surgery. Do not use antiseptics, peroxide or ointments. Do not disturb the skin strips. Placing another dressing on the wound is optional. It may be necessary if there is some drainage.
Bath/shower: you may get in the shower after 48 hours. Do not submerse the wound underwater for one week after surgery.
Wound symptoms: notify us if there is increasing soreness, swelling, drainage or redness of the wound.
General: there are no specific dietary restrictions
Bulk and roughage: bran or Metamucil may be helpful in avoiding constipation
Pain: you will be given prescriptions for pain medication. You should have this filled and take it as directed. If you feel that you no longer need the prescription pain medication then the usual doses of Tylenol or Advil or aspirin can be used.
Sleep: over-the-counter Benadryl 25 to 50 milligrams at bedtime is usually enough. If not call us.
Laxatives: over-the-counter laxatives such as milk of Magnesia, mineral oil Metamucil etc. are acceptable. Try not to go over 72 hours without having a bowel movement.
Other medications: resume all the medications that you were on prior to surgery.
After surgery you will be much weaker, more forgetful and less peppy than you expect. Do not be alarmed. This is normal and will improve over the next few weeks to few months.
If you have been sent home with elastic stockings continue to wear them until you are active and out of bed at least eight hours per day.
Check your oral temperature every evening.
Call us if:
The wound is more swollen, sore or read or there is increasing drainage requiring dressing changes.
Your temperature is over 101 degrees Fahrenheit within 24 hours after surgery
Most hernia repairs will have some discomfort for up to six months after surgery.
You have questions about this or anything else
If you have problems emptying your bladder
You should already have an appointment for your first postoperative visit approximately one week from the date of your surgery. If you do not have an appointment please call to make one.
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